Invest in Culture? Invest in Potential!
How do you invest in culture? Invest in anyone who has someone reporting to them. People-leaders set up team environments, engage team members, recognize and expand potential, foster and champion collaboration and cohesion and value the contributions of each team members – or they don’t.
What’s Normal? Change.
The pandemic has illuminated the critical role of Good Leadership for dynamic adaptability, cohesively leading diverse, dispersed teams into the anticipated and unknown future. Good Leaders lead to the future.
Outstanding Leader Recognition
We would argue with confidence that this leader is possibly one of the, if not the, most inspiring and effective leaders ever. And this leader has been an unwaveringly successful role model for quite some time.
Reaching your Vision via Coaching-Leadership
Coaching can help you increase the enthusiasm and inspiration in your leaders, cohesive collaboration in your teams and resilience in your organization in line with your vision.
Leading Potential. Building Resilience.
Motivating individuals to bring their best, to communicate freely in a safe environment, to try stuff and contribute boldly, are key to building adaptability and flexibility, and the resulting resilience, into a team.
Through the Fog
“mistakes” are refiners and distillers – helping us to figure out what we like by removing what we don’t
Coaching made me a better people leader
Coaching enabled a small diverse team to deliver more, better, faster. It fostered high-value and innovative contributions and facilitated pro-active and nimble adaptation to changing circumstances.
On the Journey to Brilliance: Are you READY?
…not every attempt will succeed. You will grow and find that the strengths within you are stronger than you imagined. If you continue, in addition to Courage, you will need Determination, Grit, Will, Honesty and Humility.
Emerging Leaders
Companies work hard to recruit the best subject matter and technical experts.
What about their people leaders?
Want to be a part of a team of Mediocrity?
attempting to strengthen one’s weaker areas – is a flawed approach
Lead vs Manage II
How do you lead the team such that you are continually astonished that so much can be done by so few?
Conversely, what is your response when your team returns with the results of a task you assigned and they are so far off the mark you are left dumbfounded?
Building a team? Building a culture!
It’s powerful when team members come together and a tight mesh and unique culture is formed: When each recognizes the strengths, experiences and skills of others… to increase the value of the work being done.
Protecting Illusions of Strength – at what cost?
Lacking the inherent strengths required to excel in the roles they had landed, they had observed others and learned to adopt the illusions of strengths – and a respectable armour to protect the illusions.
Lead v.s. Manage
“Management is for horses and dogs.
I worked well with X by partnering with them.”