Confidence in Strengths: Strength of Confidence.

I read a post recently that ignited a full-on flame that set the distillation bubbling! it was about how leaders need to

  • appear trustworthy, dependable, believable

  • be respectful

  • show they are confidant and

  • have their own personalized style or approach.

My first stumble is the first word of the first point. Appear. How about simply BE. I don’t know anyone who goes into any situation saying “I do NOT want your trust or respect – it will not be reciprocated. Furthermore do not rely upon anything I do or say”.

The second point - be respectful - is something I would like to take for granted from all colleagues, leaders, team members and in general people I hang out with: And, like you, I can smell disingenuous respect from a great distance.

The third point stumbler? Yep. That starting work “Show” - show they are confidant - I’d like to replace this with “Be” and add to it “confident in who they are and the strengths they bring, AND confident in the strengths of the team”

The fourth point: Ignoring the “advice” that one needs to - or should - follow some course of action (covered in a previous distillation) about showing confidence and adopting a personalized style land me here: Any of the most amazing leaders I’ve worked with, and those I choose to follow

  • know themselves and their strengths - and understand the benefits these strengths can bring.

  • wear their confidence naturally precisely because they know themselves and recognize the value they might contribute.

  • have no need to try to be anything else.

  • and are unafraid of their limitations. Humility is woven through their being: Knowing their own limitations, they actively seek out the brilliance of others to bring the strengths required to achieve the objectives in front of them.

Leadership at any level has nothing to do with trying to be something, appearing one way or another or learning how to have a convincing style.

They simply ARE.

So - I say (yep – advice)

Dig deep.

  • Who are you?

  • What ignites you? When are you animated and excited about something?

  • What lights you up? What do you do well and love doing?

The evidence of your strengths can be found there - in that brilliance: and your self confidence and your unique style and approach will shine brightly.

And quite possibly you may conclude “these aren’t strengths” because they come so easily to you.

Conversely, if something stifles your energy or sucks you dry, are you playing to your strengths?


And of course, a coach can help you filter through all this to help you to stand confidently in our own strengths.

That’s my strength!




The Advice Rack