September! – Start of the School year.
September marks the real new year for me – as I know it does for many.
Sharpened pencils; erasers with edges; crayon box with a yellow and green that are longer than my thumb. That special smell, and creak/crack of new books. New People to get to know. New things to learn.
School has programmed me well!
And, as with every New Start, I contemplate how I want to move into this New Re-Beginning.
And, following the trail, New Beginnings has me thinking of Gifts. . . and I’m sitting here wondering what extraordinary gifts each of us might be if we were wrapped up in lovely paper with a bow on top. Those strengths that are exclusively each of ours alone. The joy that we gain when we are “in our element”.
What gift would be you – all wrapped up?
I’ve asked friends about their gifts - and if these were boxes on the table of humanity here is some of what would be discovered:
A Foundation Creator: someone who fearlessly focuses on the potential of the future and is unafraid to put in the hard work to lay solid foundations of the New for others to build on.
A Connector: this person deeply appreciates others, hearing them, seeing them, valuing contributions and helping them feel a valued part of the whole.
Creativity: in all its fluidity and colour - in no box wrapped or otherwise!
Mischief: gentle, provocative, able to see the humour in so much
An Includer: constantly ensuring everyone in the room is comfortable, well served, and included (slightly different focus from the Connector)
A Master Planner - and Executor : planning and accomplishing exactly what was set forth
A Direct Read Resistance Thermometer: that highly sensitive devise that empathically is alerted to reluctance and feelings of disquiet in others
An Artist: seeing and capturing the gems in the shadows, the play of light, the personality in the eyes
A Curious Observer: seeing the sparkly and shiny bits, the subdued or hidden sparks in people
And The Wind: gently fanning those sparks into flames of confidence, and at higher velocity stirring the dust off ideas and stirring up conversations
What about you?